Google gives SMEs a boost

The nature of business has undergone some pretty significant changes in our lifetimes, with the advent of the internet, ecommerce and the proliferation of smartphones, and accessing any product we want at the tap of a touch screen.
Few if any business can afford to sit back and let the digital revolution carry on outside like it’s got absolutely nothing to do with them, which is why having a digital offering that is well designed and easy to navigate is paramount. The timing could not be better for SMEs looking to invest in a professional website, perhaps moving away from a social media page or a blog platform, as Google has launched smart campaign in Google Ads to make buying advertising easier for smaller businesses, thus leveling the playing field for more startups and smaller operations with lots to offer but without the command of enormous digital marketing budgets.
Formerly known as Google AdWords, the rebranding of Google Ads is one of the most significant changes the internet goliath has made in 2018, and with it comes Smart Campaigns, which is an automated way for SMEs to rank higher via Google through paid search campaigns. Google has made it extremely easy to set up a paid ad program, when previously it required inputting a lot of information, as well as constant monitoring and updates. The automated setup of Smart Campaigns takes out some of the second guessing involved in Google Ads, and businesses can begin seeing increased traffic and engagement in their products and services very quickly.
Smart Campaigns are built using Google’s AdWorks Express program, which uses algorithms to find the right audiences based on their location, habits and other significant factors. The system automatically generates ad text as well as display ads and auto-fills information making the process extremely quick.
Setting up Google Ads is something your dedicated web designer and developer will do for you if additional Google advertising is something you wish to pursue. Your digital consultant will be able to talk you through the benefits and choose a package that suits your budget and expectations.